Is your Dash Pad Cracked?
Clean and wipe down everything, have a soft work surface, to avoid scratches and scrapes, and on to the repair. Of course the first step is to spray the pads in a pure Silicone spray for pliability. The dash really has to be off for this to work and the cracks have to be cracks and not gouges. Undo the Tabs that hold the pad on, clean both contact surfaces with isopropyl (not denatured) alcohol. Using a manilla folder cut shims to put under the outer tabs depending on the size of the cracks use more shims on the outer edges. Remember to not overdo it, the cracks will bubble if you over shim. You can put a little dab of clear silicone sealer, or clear setting "craft" glue in the cracks before assy. Do not use an epoxy or "super glue" that will melt the padding as it is just a type of expanded styrene foam. Gouges can be filled with flat black RTV while off, and use a piece of old interior "whatever" to get the same texture, wrap this over the RTV and allow to set overnight.
There is a product that repairs Vinyl on the market, it works well, is expensive, but I've only used it once so can't really write about it. Assemble the dash pads to the dash with the tabs using a MODERATE amount of pressure, too tight and you get new cracks, too loose and well, the dash is loose. Gel type Armorall is good, the best thing I have ever found was Dow Corning #111 for upholstery, it is (or was) a 100% silicone valve lubricant that revives any plastic, vinyl, rubber by absorbing into the matrix and living there. Marine supply stores usually have some type of silicone product available, a little goes a long way! That about covers it for the pads. There is also plastic welding, but that is really out of the scope of this repair.