Short Shifter Bushing Less to remove Slopy shifting

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Post by Kurt »

Just throwing it together now. Oddly, I never had to sand down the new bushing at all....slid right in :)

On a side note...I am using an old shifter assembly from a parts car...the pic in the photos below.....where the rod attaches to the new that part supposed to be slightly bent on an angle like that :?:
IMG_4799_1.JPG (108.55 KiB) Viewed 68895 times
IMG_4798_1.JPG (69.88 KiB) Viewed 68895 times

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Post by Bill »

Yes the rod end is supposed to be bent like that. good pictures for this thread.

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Post by Kurt »

Excellent, thanks :)

I am puting it in now and will report back :)

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Post by Kurt »

I forgot to mark one part...

which side of the mounting plate faces forward.....the longer side or shorter one (ignore the arrow or indent in the means nothing and may have been installed backwards the last time too) :?: :?
IMG_4831_1.JPG (94.12 KiB) Viewed 68875 times

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Post by Randy »

I just happen to be putting my car back togeather to take home to Ajax in a few weeks, all the flooring is off so it is easy for me to check, the shorter side faces the front of the car.

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Post by Kurt »

thanks Randy. I have been having some issues with this swap.

Trouble lies with the bend of the shifter. I find with the extension it I am having to reach too far forward as the bend on the Integra ones is not as much as the stock shifters. PLus I am short (5'6")

The first one I ordered was aluminum and I tried bending it back about 2" to compensate using some heat and of course it snapped. I ordered another on line auctions that was advertised as steel and of couse it showed up and was alloy as well.....I attempted using more heat but it broke too.....I am now considering other options to make it right.

It sure feels tight though with little wobble but I do wish the throw was much shorter. I had previously built one with the stock steel one by extending the shaft and it was a shorter throw than these aftermarket ones are but it was pretty sloppy side to side.

I am trying to track down a steel one a can bend into the right position but little luck so far. It may also work by building one from the stock shifter and inserting bearings instead of the bushing but I trying to avoid further welding.

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Post by Randy »

Have you looked at the skunk 2 dual bend shifter, We just did a transmission swap in my sons 92 and put the dual bend with the skunk2 knob, Nicly weighted.

But I was thinking about your reach problem, and thought the shifter might work, If you got the mugen knob for it, that would extend the height for you at the same time.

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Post by Randy »

Steph wrote:Sorry to bump this up, but I noticed the video at the start was gone, and found another...
Thanks Steph

I fixed the the original post and fixed the link to the image of the extension.

I had deleted my YouTube account and setup a new account because I was being harassed by members of my Bike racing club. :(

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Re: Short Shifter Bushing Less to remove Slopy shifting

Post by Randy »

I restored the video off my old computer running windows 98, talk about flaky.

The YouTube video is in the first post of this topic and a missing image is restored comparing the two shifters and bushings.
If you watch the video and I will too to make up a list of the honda OEM part numbers required for this mod.

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