small update
Because i,v been thinking of building my own exhaust manifold ,i finaly bought some stainless pipe and curves.Buying ,yach ,,,because i just could not find the right sizes in the scrap container :-(
I realy like the view of straight 1st runners! so that was my plan!
First made some flanges out of thick stainless plate (scrap ),used a simple grinder
I could,nt find the right drill at work,so i had to do it at problem
Than fit
NICE ,me like :roll:
Spent a nightshift on making Y collectors
Van 34MM naar 40MM
And Y 40MM to 50MM ish
Because i did not use backing gas inside,you end up with bubbles inside of the weld,so i had to grind them down to smooth edges
At home i took the hood and " std" exhaust of,
And then just start..
Its a pitty ,i just could not get the runners of 4 and 1 ,2and 3 together with that straight pipes on,so i had to start all over again
As you can see,I am not a welder,not all welds look nice ,but rather learn by mistake,than paying someone else to do it.
Now runner 2 is under construction....more next ime