Engine hesitation, need tune up help...........

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: Engine hesitation, need tune up help...........
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 01:50 pm:

My 79 civic isn't running well. It jerks and bucks like it's misfiring, but when I put the choke out it stops. I've had this problem before, I just put on a carb from my parts car and it stopped. Also, when I pull the choke out, it's all or nothing, there is no in the middle. The car idles at 1500 rpm. I have a carb from a datsun b210 I recently rebuilt for another project, but its auto choke. Could I swap the stock 1200 kiehin carb linkage to the datsun carb? I recently put in the electronic ignition from an 81 civic, following your instructions and it fit fine, and I am using ngk plugs so I know it can't be that. I haven't been able to find a set of plug wires to fit the 1200 engine, what do you guys recommend?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By mariusz ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 10:47 pm:

I had the same problem. Went to see a mechanic, and he straight away diagnosed it as a blocked carb, probably the jets. All he did is swap the 2nd and 3rd spark plug leads (I thing) and back fired thru the carb a few times. This burn what ever was blocking it. Have not had a problem since. Also check if the fuel filter is blocked.

Hope that helps

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By JohnJacob ( on Monday, January 01, 2001 - 08:55 pm:

I had the same problem too. what I do is: 1. disconnect the fuel line from the fuel pump (the one that is going into the carb). 2. spray about 5 seconds worth of carb cleaner in there. 3. with the line full of carb cleaner spray compressed air thru the line (40 psi works wonders) 4. repeat until engine runs well. Like Maruisz says, check the fuel filter (and any other fuel lines) and the tank (if you still have the original). I HAD to replace my tank with a fuel cell since the original was SO full of crud I couldt bare to keep pumping all that thru the engine. Also it would clog up every few hundred miles and pissed me off.

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