Any one know any thing about the 81 Civic 1300

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By A.W. ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 08:34 pm:

I have just purchased a 1981 Civic in mint condition with 103k original miles. I have tried putting in a search for it on this board but way to many items come up. I would like to get any info that any one could send. I also have a 79 and a 76 CVCC but they are way different. If any one needs parts off of these two cars let me know. If it helps I live in N.C.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By errol ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 10:36 pm:

What would you like to know? I'm no pro but i've been messing with these cars for about 25 years. Are you stripping the other cars?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By A.W. ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 10:54 pm:

thanks for the reply errol. Yes I am stripping the other cars. Well basicly i want to make it quicker. But were i live i have to pass emmisions. I am very intriged about doing a city turbo. I have plans of building a 1200 turbo engine with efi but i might have to abort that plan due to the fact i know of no one around me that can make custom manifolds. But thats a long term goal. As for now, i would like to know what i can do about suspension, brakes and of coarse its all about the go go. SPEED.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By J Subik ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 01:38 pm:

Does the 79 run and if it does what size motor does it have. I'm looking for a 1.5 for a 78 civic, or I would be intrested in buy the whole car if the body is in good condition. I'm in NY so your not to far away. Do you have pictures you can email Thanks John

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By John S. ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 03:03 pm:

Look under the thread "bigger brakes". as you can improve on your factory brakes on that car very cheaply. Enginewise i'm afraid the morons who deam themselves experts in "their" fields are doing their best to screw us all, in regards to laws the individual states continue to pass regarding older vehicles and the "harm" they cause to the environment. Personally I believe it's all just a BS story just to force us to drive new cars.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By A.W. ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 06:45 pm:

J Subik, I am afraid the engine in the 79 may be too far gone. after buying the cars i started working on the 79 to restore it. When i got in to the oil pan i found metal chunks in the bottom of the pan. So at that point i gave up on it. the body is "O.K.". The front cross member needs to be replaced because it has some deadl rust holes in it. The body has some minor rust spots, no rust holes. I could try to get some pictures to you soon. The only bad dents are in the fenders.

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