I'm in the press with my Accord!!

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: I'm in the press with my Accord!!
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Paul Krummenacker ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 04:54 pm:

not sure why I didn't think to post this sooner. But... in the March issue of Sport Compact Car (featuring the Subaru WRX) I got my picture in twice!

Our local SCCA region was having a RallyCross and the photographer from Sport Compact Car made it out and took pictures and they did a 3 page write up!

I'm in the table of contents (article called Cone Farming) and then back in the article there is the same photo, but much larger and in black and white. You can actually see me driving and see my co-driver Karl Frederick on the "silly seat".

just for the record, there was one minor error with the article, we didn't place dead last, I took 8th in Production Class that day, and Karl took 11th in Production Class. Overall I finished 27th, and Karl finished 52nd out of 84 drivers. Not too bad for a stock CVCC!

you can see the overall results at: http://www.oregonrally.com/events/rallyx10_1_00_results.html

just thought I'd share this with the group.


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