
First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: Recomendations?
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By david ( on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 10:22 pm:

firstly, i want to know what the best gear oil would be for my later 5 speed? i want it to last as long as possible, but not give up too much shifting freedom. i've heard a synthetic is the best way to go. what weights?

secondly, motor oil. i do drive fairly hard. should i get a synthetic, also? i've heard mobil 1 makes a great synthetic. i guess new porshes are sent from the factory with 15-50 mobil 1 synthetic.

thirdly, spark plugs/wires. i was thinking about those bosch 4 tip ones. has anyone had much experience with them? as far as wires go i was told to get real NKG ones.

four, has anyone tryed that Z-MAX stuff? i found a bottle of the tranny formula in my garage. do any of those kind of products acually do anything? what i want to know is if these things sopposedly takes off carbon deposits, where does the carbon go? in your oil?

fifth, what is the white color on civics officially called. i want to try to find a rattle can paint that is as close to a match as possible.

thanks for any helpful advice and i apologize for my tendincy to leave finger crampingly long posts. i just want to get as much informastion as possible before i go into a job.

this page is a godsent to say the least.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Paul Krummenacker ( on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 12:28 am:

quickly, on my Rally car I use:

tranny oil: I use Red Line 10w30 motor oil, you can get it at finer parts places, or use Mobil 1 10w30 synthetic.

motor oil: Valvoline 10w30 or 10w40, non synthetic, I change every 3000, or less if I've been racing in dusty conditions

plugs: don't bother with the Bosch 4 prongers, have them on the wife's Jetta, no difference. I use NGK or ND plugs

Plug wires: I got some Borg Warner plug wires with the lifetime guarantee from Pep Boys (before they pulled out of Oregon)

Z-Max? not sure, a lot of the Slick-50 stuff is just graphite you add it, ok if you are drag racing or racing a Super Bike and you tear down the motor after every race. Not necessary (in my oppinion) for normal people use. just use good oil, change it every 3000.

Use good OEM or Honda oil filters. avoid cheap immitations. Mobil 1 makes a pretty good filter if you can find them.

that's my advice,

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By JohnJacob ( on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 01:02 am:

I already tried with the Bosch platinum +4 plugs and they don't even make them for the 1200 Civic. At least they didn't a year ago when I asked for them. They dont make them for my Hyundai either. I run either NGK or Bosch single platinum. As for wires I run Bosch because they have a lifetime warranty. (save the receipt, because I already burned a wire with my Accel Super Stock Coil) Tranny oil: 10w30 whatever. Engine oil: Exxon Synthentic 5w50. I have used Synergyn racing oil additive, and I did think it smoothed out the idle a bit. (It sure made the exhaust smell nice, and it came with a free t-shirt and decals!!) And the mobil one synthetic filter is worth the $10.

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