I hit the jack pot!!

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: I hit the jack pot!!
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous ( on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 09:07 pm:

I've been looking for civic for the last week or so and I hit the jackpot today. I friend of mine mentioned that someone had a civic for parts in the local autotrader. I give him a call today and lucky me, he still had it.

I ask him what parts he had left. he told me he actually had the whole car still. it just happened he had bought a tire shop and this car had been sitting there for a while. the shop was closed but he told me that I could go down and take a look at it through the fence.

the shop was only 5 mins away, so I rush down to take a peek. the car was hidden by a pile of tires and a shit load of junk. I couldn't see it too will. but I could make out some gauges on the dash, a roof rack, then a 5 speed badge, and then the cvcc civic badge. I had the biggest grin on my face. the best part is the guy only wants $50 for the whole thing. the condition of the body look ok from what I could see. I cant wait till the shop opens up on monday so I can take her home :)

if someone shows me how to post pics, ill try to post pics of the cars when I get.

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