Car runs better with electric fuel pump

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: Car runs better with electric fuel pump
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By tedshred ( on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 08:18 am:

I've been suspect that my old mechanical fuel pump was not delivering enough fuel and pressure to the carb. It's acceleration was slow, with a hint of hesitation when the throttle was opened full from idle.

Last night I installed a 12V Purolator universal fuel pump and the engine has responded well.

Have any of you had a similar experience? I believe that the old pump was worn, and upon inspection, all the diaphragms looked in great shape with no holes, tears or visible wear. The arm however did show wear.

The only drag about this electric fuel pump is that it's mounted against the firewall and I can hear it when the engine idles. No big deal, but I may mount it where the original pump is. I also don't know where to access the power it so that it only delivers fuel when the engine has started to turn over. I currently have it on the coil.

What is used to plug the old hole in the head?

Thanks you guys.

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