Autocorssing for first time this weekend

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By tedshred ( on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 08:23 am:

Yep, this Sunday afternoon. I have found someone to sit with my boy, and with any luck, my civic and I will be there. I'll be running against these guys:

I have been thinking of the Apex for some time now. The wife does not like me to drive that way because in her words "what if a car was coming the other way". I say to her that there was no car coming the other way, (I look way down the road) and the line I take makes the corner smooth and fast. She insists on never crossing the center line, and staying on her side no matter what. I argue that there is all that prefectly good, unused road to drive on, and when safe, one should take full advantage of it.

She still grabs the "Oh-Shit" handle overhead, and even tries to brake from the passenger side. When she does that I ask her "how's the sphyncter?" LOL

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