CVCC in Australia???

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: CVCC in Australia???
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Jay ( on Friday, May 04, 2001 - 03:49 am:

I was out at the Keilor (Melbourne) Pick-A-Part (DIY boneyard) looking for a replacement starter for my van.

As I normally do, I checked out the Civics they had - and I saw a CVCC!

Am I correct in thinking that these beasts didn't make it to this country through the dealerships?

I saw it there a couple of days later and someone had been unbolting bits and pieces, but didn't seem to have actually taken anything - just exploring, or is there another one out there somewhere?

I checked to see if it had the cluster with the tacho, but no luck - any other interesting pieces which would be nice in a 1200?

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