My 74 civic is POSSESSED!

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: My 74 civic is POSSESSED!
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By tedshred ( on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 09:16 am:

I was working in the backyard yesterday afternoon when all of a sudden the HORN starts blaring! I thought that maybe the new steering wheel contacts had closed or something, but all was normal. This horn has not worked for over 6 months. I had to uplug the sucker because I can't find out why it's staying on.

I have been experiencing other electrical problems as well, so maybe there is a logical connection. I have installed the deluxe guauges, new steering wheel, electric fuel pump, and an old am radio, so yes, I have been playing with wires some and I may be to blame.

Did you know it's normal for the brake lights to work even if you don't have the key in the ignition? I didn't until last night.

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