Another tranny question

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By jms ( on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 02:00 am:

My hondamatic makes a grinding noise sometimes when I switch it to another gear (while parked-not even driving down the street) anyway it has super low original mileage so what is going on. Any ideas? PS I dont want to go with a manual.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Paul ( on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 01:35 pm:

Yea, mine does the same, mainly when I stop and go to put it in park. I have found that by depressing the brake just that little bit more, you know to hold the car still, will help with that problem. I think its because in between gears the car is trying to creep forward, and when it get put into another gear it doesn't like it too much. Just to be safe I am gonna have the tranny serviced.

By the way, in response to your other message. I have also been pondering the idea of another auto tranny. However I have a feeling that 2nd gen trannies might not fit, and even if it did you, would require changing the driveshaft, etc.
From what I have read on this board the stock auto will get you up to 160km/h with no problems...Never taken mine that quick, not yet anyway....Heh Heh!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By ray ( on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 06:44 pm:

i find that mine grinds if i try and put it in park if the idle is to high (choke on)

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By jms ( on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 01:56 am:

I will service it first thing. But it idles very well.

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