Hmm What have i come accross

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Becks ( on Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 04:09 pm:

i recently run the wreckers mission to look for a replacement parts. After much deliberation i chose a fearly tidy lil 1976 civic with engine and manual gearbox. After wrappin it up warm and trailering it home through the snow it took pole position in the garage. Upon closer look the interior was a lil different to my '76 EB1 but nothin too outa the ordinary. The lights were a pull switch in the dash where as mine are on the stem. Popping the bonnet i noticed a tag on the firewall on the drivers side. It states the car is a SB1 3D Sedan Manufactured by Honda Motor Co. LTD. to comply with Australian Design Rules.
the engine number starts with ED1 and hte chassie number is SBC.....and the CC ratin is 1199cc compared to the 1170cc ive got. Just wondering if anyone can shed some light here as its got me a lil puzzled and would like to knwo what my $50 got me lol. Thanx

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Charles ( on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 04:00 pm:

Sounds like you have a 74 or 75 civic (registered maybe in 76 (EB1 motor, pull switch on the lights, probably a small steering column cover and chrome highlighted heater controls). The engine sounds like it is the 1500 (both manifolds come out at the back, iron block).


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Becks ( on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 04:29 pm:

nope the manis come out oppostie sides

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Adrian (Civicguru) ( on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 05:10 pm:

You sure it says ED1 not EB1 with dirt in the 'B' of EB?
There was also no 1199cc engine, it was 1169cc (yanks usually round it up to 1170 for some reason).

It certainly sounds like a 74 or 75 model (76s and later had the wipers and lights on stalks rather than switches on the dash.) Has it got rolling or fixed seatbelts?

One final thing ... don't always trust the compliance plate. I've seen a 74 model where someone had restamped the plate as a 78. The owner had no idea and the registry didn't notice.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Becks ( on Saturday, June 16, 2001 - 01:31 am:

haha yes true nope definently a ED1 it has Retractable Factory Honda Seat Belts in the front and Rear is Adjustable Factory Ones... but its ok its bein stripped out for parts as ive just got hold of a 1300cc 1980 jap import wiht the rear mounted i have to say thank u for the snow in Dunedin and for the jerk that rear ended it allowing me to score it for peanuts

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Becks ( on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 05:30 am:

well went into honda and it seems the ED1 is a Singapore import brought to New Zealand by the soliders after some war..nothin special about it still a 1200cc just with a few flasher interrior bits and bobs

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