Vintage Racer

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Zoin ( on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 10:00 pm:

I went to Mosport race track near Toronto Ontario Canada on Sunday and really enjoyed seeing the action on the track. There was not one honda there in the running. Does anyone know what classifies a car as a vintage racer? Would a 75 first gen be able to be in that class? The other cars on the track where Mini, Lotus, Porche, Volvo, Lola, Bugyed Sprites,MG and so on. Just loved it! YEEE HAAAA

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Ed ( on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 10:16 pm:


Where are you from?
I live in Oshawa... a 20 minute drive from Mosport!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Don ( on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 10:56 pm:

It depends on who is sanctioning the event. Some sanctioning bodys require that the car be pre 72 and have documented race history prior to that date. Lucky us that there are other bodys that are less strict. The simple answer is yes you can race your Civic, no your car is not accepted in all groups.
A quick cruise of the Mosport web page turned up a vintage group this one looks to be the nose in the air type. 1965 & 1972 looks to be the cut of dates. There is always SCCA club racing or vintage racing if that track has vintage races by the SCCA

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