Slotted aluminum rims

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: Slotted aluminum rims
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Puff ( on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 01:00 pm:

can anyone tell me how hard it might be to find 1 slotted aluminum rim? A guy down the road from me has three but cant seem to locate the 4th. I can probably get em for about 10 or 15 bucks but three dont do me much good! Any leads would be appreciated.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By 2low2go ( on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 03:20 pm:

What size? what style? I also have 3 but they came off a first gen accord and are made in england, they are 13" and are a five spoke style..


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Puff ( on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 10:37 am:

I,ll go take another look today Justin.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Puff ( on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 03:36 pm:


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Puff ( on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 04:06 pm:

hondatire ok this is it and ya according to my precise scientific measurements its a 13" rim

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Nikolaj ( on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 04:53 pm:

To my taste those are the best looking rims for the civic that I have seen 120PCD... I wish you all the luck finding your fourth. I don't wanna be pessimistic, but it's probably harder than finding a set!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By 2low2go ( on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 05:34 pm:

Those are not the ones i have..sorry but u know whats stupid afew years back i had a ex-ice racer with the same wheels on the front and deep dish style on the rear..when i trashed the car i got rid of the wheels with it..


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By jms ( on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 05:30 am:

for that price it still might be worth grabbing them

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