First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: CVCC to NON CVCC
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By TravisCooke ( on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 06:20 pm:

i have a opportunity to get a 70's (not sure waht year) that needs a head gasket for $50

now, heres the hard part.

i am going to transplant a 1200 motor into my 1970 Honda 600, is the CVCC block the same as the 1200, just with a different head?

pretty much, what i am asking is,

i plan to put a civic 1200, with the bigger head, keeping the stock crank and pistons (to have a low compression ratio, therefore i can turbo it.

now what would i need, like block and head numbers??


should i look for an EB2 Block, and put the EB3 head, with the 5-speed tranny?

please help me out, i finally have the money, and an engineering freind that will do the work.. i.e. new subframe.

-Travis Cooke

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