Cvcc n 1200? i dont understand..

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By mukes ( on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 10:44 pm:

i have a civic cvcc hondamatic..
im only 15 years old..
but i plan on keeping the car and fixing it up but i gotta start somewhere..
any explanation on the car like is a cvcc and 1200 the same..
whats the whole car about..
and any suggestions on fixing it up..
ill try to get the specs up later today..
thanks alot in advance

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By ed ( on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 12:28 am:

do a keyword search on "cvcc" and on "1200 specs"

spend a few hours reading the previous posts and you should find some good info.

the main differences between the cvcc and a 1200 are:

cvcc = CVCC (Compound Vortex Combustion Chamber = a precombustion chamber to meet the 1975 EPA emissions standards in the US) 1500 cc motor, longer front end, sometimes a 5-speed tranny, and deluxe gauge cluster.

1200 = 1200 cc NON-cvcc motor (i.e. NO pre-combustion chmaber), shorter front end, OFTEN only 4-speed tranny.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous ( on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 11:53 pm:

1200cc is a 1.2 liter and is much more suitable for performance upgrades, mainly because the 1.5 cvcc motors well all the cvcc motors require stock style carboration for one, and head work and cams are also somewhat of an impossibility. although people do supe them up. just not easily. the 1.2 engine is lighter and has a lower center of gravity with comparable hp to the 1.5liter. which calculates to better over all performance. also cvcc engines the intake manifold and exhaust manifold are on the same side(pain to work on). as far as the chassis goes the cvcc are more accommodating and the suspension when tuned seems to work better then the 1200cc chassis. cvcc i believe is also 4inches wider as well as longer dnt quote me though! hope these tid bits help and i agree with ed read all the past posts you find alot of info i learn the hard way, remember a smart man learns from his mistakes a wise man learns from other peoples mistakes.

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