Vacuum control box question

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By nate ( on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 05:36 pm:

I have owned my car for about a year and am just now in the final stages of getting it road worthy. Recently I've been trying to get the vacuum lines hooked up so all the emissions stuff would look and run right for my emissions test. My car came with a vacuum control box (one of those boxes with six lines coming out of it and a few wires). so far all the repair manuals I've looked in haven't said a single word about the vacuum control box but instead refered to seperate items. such as Idle control solinoid, throttle opener solinoid and the hot start controls. I'm wondering what to think of all this and whether or not the box is something I need. I understand that I can hook up the vacuum advance/retard to the carb insulator. otherwise I just have to plug the port on the carb. by the way the car was bought in Wa. state if that helps.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous ( on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 11:13 pm:

You'll need to get that straighten out for drivability as well . Things like throttle control valve acts like dashpot on regular carburators etc will help smooth out the idling down and reduce HC emissions. I doubt you'll pass emissions in any state unless you get the stuff sorted out.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By nate ( on Monday, January 07, 2002 - 04:50 pm:

please help guys, I really need to get the car running well soon. any help would be greatly appreciated!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By ddechon --Maryland-- ( on Monday, January 07, 2002 - 05:34 pm:

The underside of my hood contains a vacuum diagram.

Heres one...

my picture

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By ddechon --Maryland-- ( on Monday, January 07, 2002 - 05:52 pm:

This is one of the reasons I'm trying to go electric. My car never seemed to stay tuned. Smog lines, adjustable points, and carburator adjustments wore me out. A lot of people rip that stuff out and plug it with rubber caps. Hmmm. People often tweak an tune their cars for inspection, then tune it back afterwards. Its tough to ispect smog components for proper operation and its frusting to repair.

Good Luck.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By nate ( on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 02:27 pm:

hey ddechon thanks for the diagram and helpful info. the diagram cleared up two of my most important questions- if the ignition solinoid valve and the delay valve for the timing advance were inside the control box. by the way what year is your car? cause the control box in my car has six lines insted of the five that the diagram shows. the other thing is the diagram shows a T fitting inside the box on the line that goes to the intake manifold. I dont suppose you know what that goes to?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Zippy (Zippy) ( on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 04:02 pm:

My Chiltons does a good job with the vacuum system with full diagnostics procedures for the black box and everything.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By ddechon --Maryland-- ( on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 05:26 pm:

The picture is from my Haynes Manual. That's for the 78-79 models. My manual is NOT for CVCC models, but that picture might be the same for CVCCs. I've got a 79 Civic. My car also had six vacuum lines but the diagram (above) doesn't show that many vacuum lines. I don't know where the T-line goes. It sounds like Roger would know (zippy).


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