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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By jms ( on Saturday, February 02, 2002 - 05:04 pm:

Lets start a list of places to stay away from:

A Economy Auto Shipping of West Palm Beach, FL
a.k.a AAA Economy Auto Shipping
a.k.a. A-1 Movers of Seatle, Washington

When I decided to ship my car from NY to AZ-where my new duty station was located, after getting back form Korea. I used A Economy because they were cheap-huge mistake. These people require a deposit (couple hundered bucks) first. After doing some research I found I was but just one of many victims. After getting your money they never come to pick up your car, they give some lame excuses (truck broke etc.) until you cancel. Then they charge you a cancelation fee (which according to the contract should only be about $25-$50 depending on when you cancel) or just dont refund you at all (like me). Because people are out of state it is almost impossible to get refunded. I am trying to pursue legal and criminal action against them. They are in bad standing with the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Affairs. (Check the preceding companies for reviews!) Feel free to go to and read their fine print. You can read negative reviews of them at and with an almost identical story. Funny thing is when I first got them I recommended them for their price on this very board. BUT BE CAREFUL WHEN SHIPPING YOUR CAR, because a lot of these places are just brokers (middlemen) they are not the actual trucking company. So if you do an internet search to find an auto shipper and a directory of them comes up, research the company you pick FIRST! Thanks for listening.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Rexman ( on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 05:18 pm:

thanks and good luck, atleast they didn't pick up your car and never deliver it...

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