Two door 1500

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: Two door 1500
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Adrian (Civicguru) ( on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 04:10 am:

Quick question: Did Honda ever produce/sell a 2 or 3 door 1st Gen Civic with an EC (1500) in it? I don't mean the 2-door CVCCs that were sold in the States, I mean a 2 door 1200 body with a 1500 in it.
I've never seen or heard of such a beast, but I've been asked to check around just in case there was a variant like this sold in some obscure part of the world at some time...

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anomalous ( on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 05:20 pm:

No.Not from the factory.The Civic 1200(73-79) have EB(1170 and 1237).The Civic CVCC(75-79)have ED(1488).The Civic Wagon(75-79)have EC(1488) or ED CVCC (1488).The Accord (76-78) have EG(1600).The Accord CVCC (76-78) have EF(1600).The Accord (79-81) have EL(1600).The Accord CVCC (79-81) have EK(1751).The Prelude (79-81) have EL(1600) or EK CVCC (1751).

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Justin ( on Wednesday, February 06, 2002 - 08:40 am:

Wagon's came to canada in non-cvcc form aswell, my 77 parts wagon had the 1500 with a 4sp. No CVCC!!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anomalous ( on Wednesday, February 06, 2002 - 05:25 pm:

Yah,the EC(1488),thats what I posted.

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