My Trip to Ca

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: My Trip to Ca
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Darrell--Maryland-- ( on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 10:08 pm:

I flew out to Ca to help my mom go through a divorce. I never thought I would enjoy being a lawer, but I love fighting for my mom.

The first day I stopped a guy who was driving a stock, yellow, 79 cvcc. It was in great condition. I told him about this site, but he didn't have a computer. He said he gets frequent offers for his car, but then he laughed and said he loves his car. I gave him some advise about his hard-to-close doors and he was on his way. I glad that guy knows what he has.

The last time I was in the junk yard here, they had several civics. I'm going to take a trip out there before I leave. I'll look around for 77 bumpers, wheels, etc. I'll let the junk yard know about this website. Maybe they can sell parts here.

If you'd like for me to look in the yard, let me know. I'm not sure when I'll go to the yard or when I'll come back to this page.

I'm in Lancaster, Ca until March 10.

Darrell --Maryland--

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