Gearbox ratio

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Trevor ( on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 05:47 pm:

Ive been driving around im my dads standard 1200 civic for the last few weeks now and i really like the gearing its got compard to my civic with the city turbo motor. I had forgot how zippy they are of the mark. It seems to me that a standard 1200 would probably keep up with the turbo through 1st and most of second with half as much power. Does anyone know of a higher ratio gearbox that would suit a city turbo motor? Would any of the standard city gearbox's have a higher ratio and are they just strong?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By errol ( on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 06:44 am:

Trevor, the standard 1200 you have is probably a 4.93 final drive ratio 4spd tranny. It's geared low to get it moving 'quicker'
The GR tranny is geared higher so your not over-revving it. I remember Charles stating it was geared like a later 70's cvcc.
But if you can find it, look for a 1980, 1300 5spd. It has the close ratio 1-3 and better highway gears for 4-5
what does the little gold tape next to the clutch cable bracket say? Does it start with a GRxxxxxxx the 1300 one starts with GJxxxxxxxx

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Trevor ( on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 01:51 pm:

Hi errol, 4.93 that would explain it and only being a four speed it really revs on the highway, i think the turbo gearbox is 4.066. The 1980 1300 5spd sounds like a good compromise as you tend to do most of your accelerating through these gears and still having a good cruzing gear is very attractive.
Yeah the gearbox starts with GRxxxxx,i have a gearbox in the shed with a GL prefix but i have know idea what its off. Does this mean only gearbox's with the same prefix will bolt up or will the GJ fit without any problems?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By mo ( on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 09:50 pm:

the gj will bolt up .. no problem .. make sure you have the right flywheel and clutch plate assembly tho .. the 80-83 flywheels had a slighlty deeper dish ..

if you can find a rusted out 80 - 83 with good motor and 5 spd tran, why not just swap the whole package in??
it's pretty straight forward .. just have to lengthen the top motor mount (one above trann that reaches from the firewall to the head .. )

you get more power & a more reliable motor ..
looks stock too!!

best of luck ..

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