Creating a FAQ site, help and feedback please

First Generation Civic Discussion Board: First Generation Civic Discussion Board: Creating a FAQ site, help and feedback please
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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Paul Krummenacker ( on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 01:04 am:

Right now it's just an Accord specific page, HOWEVER... I want to add ALL G1 model Hondas.

Accord Motor and Transmission Specs

I can't find my '79 Accord factory manual, so if somebody has one and wans to send me the '79 Specs I'll update that aspect.

I've also tried to glean information out of my Haynes manual to fill in the UK Spec info on the EG 1600 Non CVCC motor. If somebody in the UK or Austrailia wants to confirm what I've got that would be great.

I want to make a grid of what head fits on what block. I'd also like to finally have some visuals on the 4x120 - 4x100 conversion for both the Civic 1200 and Accords.

I think I'm going going to try and conver my Accord to '82 Accord axles and rear brakes. Benefit being that the front rotors are WAY easier to change using the '82 setup.

Eventually I'll be needing people to help out with pictures and info. I'd like to make this a visual supplement to the info we have on the disucssion board.

This will be a project in process, so it won't happen in a week or two, so please be patient.

Thanks Folks,
Paul K

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