1StGenCivic.com Site is going back to its roots.

1978 1200 Honda Civic1StGenCivic.com Site is going back to its roots. Flash

Dear Group Members,

I launched the site almost 20 years ago to connect people around their shared interests. I helped users at Civic1200.com find a new place to call home, stay connected with friends, learn new skills, and most importantly, build connections they may have lost or never had in the first place. While we could not have been prouder of what we accomplished together, I am reaching out today with a heavy heart to let you know that I have decided to shut down 1Stgencivic.com/org as of November 22 2021. Discussion boards aren’t as important as they used to be, thanks to the 10year onslaught of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and more.

Last year when I was extremely ill (April) web bot scrappers attacked the site with over eight hundred hits at one time. The hosting company had taken the site offline until I could prove that the threat was gone. Just trying to look at the logs as there were so many hitting from China, Singapore, and Malaysia. The site was down a long time, but just before I was about to put it back online, I discovered that someone had already put up a web site with a lot of the content from previous version of this site. That put the nail in the coffin, I did not care anymore and decided it was time to call it quits and did not bother to contact the hosting company to verify I had blocked the scrappers. I started to delete old forums that were not used by members. ……….. Then one of the members contacted me by email, so I got a clean bill of health from the host and the site was back online again.

The site has seen a steady decline in usage over the last 5 years as members transition over to Facebook, Twitter and Reddit that offer trustworthy and endless content. To that end, I must make a difficult decision.

I really got an eye opener when I started going through some old site links and discovered over 95% of the Honda sites (Message Boards and personal sites) I had once visited were shut down or have moved to other social platforms, even paid for membership forums are gone.

As of November 22nd, 2021, the website is shut down and members will no longer be able to access the site other than to view the main page and view standalone pages.

1StGenCivic.com Site is going back to its roots. Keep It simple as one of the slogans says.

Sincerely, Randy

1StGenCivic.com Site is going back to its roots.

A former member of this site and owns and operates…. Search and you will find it.
I do not endorse the site, he scraped the web for past pages that are already included in the database of this site known as 1StGenCivic.com or previous generations and upgrades, A former member is a Specialist in Scraping too according to his actions.
0CF023C4-679C-4862-AD69-0CD510BFDB54.gifHe was a member of this site owns and operates 1StGenCivic.Info, I do not endorse the site, he scraped the web for past pages that are already included in the database of this site known as 1StGenCivic.com or previous generations and upgrades.

1StGenCivic.com will not grow while it exists. I will not compete with it or Facebook. or those social media web sites.

That member and the community will surely be of more help than this site could be or will be. I will close the site down for good this time.

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Founder &Administrator of 1StGenCivic.com Lives in Canada and grew up in Toronto. In his spare he is a competitive athlete and a natural health nut and is working to restore his little Honda in his spare time.

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