Lets get my project back from the dead on this forum.
Toch het EB1 blokje maar uit elkaar gehaald.
A couple of years back Steph gave me the info on a great engine build.
Steph even gave me the eaby link on where to buy the pistons.
Great thanks !!!
2 kids were born and as many fathers notice ,that having spare time is non excistant.
Now they are getting a bit older ,an giving me so now and than some spare time.
So engine wise,
What am i going to make.
Using kawasaki big bore kit 73MM pistons
1300 crank
1200 driveshafts
EN4 oil pump
home lightened 4,4kg flywheel
reground camshaft
home made udj camgear
enz enz
So got my parts out,pressed out the piston pins ,wet blast them .rinse and flouded with oil.
PA5 is EN4 shaft
S85 (S88 same block,been replaced??) is EB1 shaft
uboxed the kawasaki pistons
Made a weighing list of every piston part ,and put all the parts as equal as possible together.So leight piston with heavy wristpin.
And finaly taking some material of the piston to make 4 same weight sets
Here you can see the dome on the piston in comparisson to oem eb3 piston
Next is ,rinsing the engine block,give it a wetblast ,en sent it to a machine shop to have it bored out to 73mm