1978 Civic (1200) Civic
Posted on October 31, 2010 by James
Published: Oct 31 2010 12:40 am
It’s that time of year again to put toys away for the forth comming old man winter.
Last night got all my stuff togeather including a few tools just incase!
At the crack or just before dawn started out for the trek north for storage.
Stopped at a local Petro Canada to filler up with a new high octane gas. However the car was sluggish, just though it was from being parked for so long, about 20-25 minutes into the trip and a long way from home I had to stop to make a left turn. While I was turning north it stalled and a hugh could of smoke came from the front right corner of the car. !!!!!
I drove a bit up the highway in second as that all I could get out of it. Good guess the front right caliper is seized up real good, as I pulled off the highway onto the narrow shoulder into the gravel the smoke continued to give the chokeing stays in your nose smell.
I waited a few moments, I really could not do a thing on the shoulder as it was a bit on the dangerous side, I decided to get back on the road, I had to push it really hard, like 4.5k before shifting, best I could do was 60kmh. I aimed the problem wheel for the best shoulder pot holes I could find. After a few minutes it let go and before I knew it I was doing 110kmh.
Phew! real stinker. I might as well try to make it the rest of the way than go back and get into traffic. I figure I could use the transmission and hand brake to slow it down for turns. I made a mental map I my head the best route to avoid lights and traffic.
Time to relax and get some music n a cup of timmys coffee to releive the stress.
1978 Honda Civic EB3 1200
Coffee Time
Here is where you put the speaker after you drink your go go juice.
1978 Honda Civic EB3 1200
Thats my wife back there in the Prelude, she said I stink so she stayed way back. I lost her when the caliper broke free.
1978 Honda Civic EB3 1200
You can tell things are looking up now by the little videos, oh the music don’t sound so bad either.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pIPRwse … rofilepage[/youtube]
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pno9kbCB … rofilepage[/youtube]
Looks like I am almost there, whats that a chev in a dumpster in front of the Honda/Ford dealer.
Picture This:Chevy in dumpster Kawtha lakes Ford
Going the long way around town to come in the top end helped a lot, except for the big hill a had to use the brake pedal, made it around the corner at very low speed, yeah it’s stinking again. Made it to the house but the car did not have enough umph to backup the drive way into the garage with out ending up in the spare bedroom.
Half in the garage I jacked up the car using the jack from the Prelude, the Civic is really high compared. Anyway I kept jacking and the cars not lifting. Bunkers! the jack just went through the rocker panel and now the door of the car wont close, double Bunkers!, finally off with the wheel and pulled the pins for the pads, Hot! as satins horney toes. Had to use a tire iron to force the pad out from between the rotar hub and the bottom of the outer pad. Once out it freed up enough to drive the car back in to it holding pen.
Rest! Take stock of what just happened?
Topped up the gas and put some stabalizer in the gas and covered the engine bay in moth balls to keep the mice from destroying the only work I got done on the car this summer. The coil wire.
Sorry for such a long post.
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