Civic powered Sporting Trials car

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Sporting Trials car needs more go  2   10/20 07:15am

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Derek Keesing ( on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 06:54 pm:

I run an EN1 motor/ gbox in a Sporting Trials car.
These are off road hill climbers, the car version of Trials Motorbikes. This is not a speed sport, but how far can you go over natural obstacles on a defined course.
Spaceframe chassis, rear wheel, drive open diff, individual rear brakes.
The whole car weighs in at about 360kg The Honda Motor G/box is mounted north/ south Honda diff is locked and the drive goes into another rear axle.
result is very low gearing. I am after information to make the motor a little brighter.
The problem is we want low rpm torque, but with the ability to rev out high when we negotiate mud.
I run a Kelford cam that is tweaked for this, also lightened flywheel.
We generally run SU carbs to stop flooding when the car is on extreme angles. We constantly have bother with fouling plugs (crap petrol in Kiwiland )
Any information would be appreciated, keep it simple please like swapping stock parts

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