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Privacy Policy

First Generation Honda Civics Web site has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. Due to the sensitive nature of the information we collect from our users, including email address and IP addresses, we believe it is important to satisfy strict privacy requirements.

The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site:
Collected Information
The following section describes the information we collect from you and indicates the primary purposes why we collect each type of information from you. We will not sell or share As described below in more detail, we use your IP address to help Diagnose problems with our server and discussion board, and to administer our Web
site. Your IP address is or may be used to help identify you, to track activity within our site to better understand your interests so that the site may improve or enhance these areas of interest and to gather broad
demographic information. Our Web server will collect IP information. This IP address is not directly linked to you personally.
Our site uses cookies to keep track of your session ID. We use Cookies to indicate new threads to you posted on the Discussion board.
Our site's Member form requires users to give us contact information
(such as name and email address) only. Demographic data is also collected at our Web site. We use this
data to tailor the user's experience at our Web site, showing them Content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences.


First Generation Honda Civics' is not in anyway affiliated with or endorsed by Honda Motor Co. Inc.


Copyright ©2005 Durham Region Classic Honda Civics'
Site created by Joat Design